Sunday, October 30, 2011

Movie catch-up

Watched three movies this weekend that most of the general population have already seen.

Green Lantern- Rented.  It was alright.  Not quite X-Men, but I like Ryan Reynolds.  I don't understand how the main fight took place in space, though.  I mean, I know the Green Lanterns have powers, but the power to not have to breathe?  That was off-putting.

Bridesmaids- Rented.  Wow, this movie was dumb.  I only laughed once or twice, mainly at the pooping/vomiting part.  The whole movie was trying way to hard to be funny, or at least that's what it felt like to me.  It had so much potential and I was really disappointed.  And for having all those SNL ladies acting (and most likely writing) it, I was semi-surprised at the lack of humor.  Not too surprised, though, because, let's face it: SNL isn't that funny anymore.

Twilight- DVR.  FX premiered Twilight the other day and I set the DVR to record it.  Something to do on a rainy day and I've been meaning to buy the books (when I get some money).  I liked it.  Again, I like the Patterson guy who plays Edward (his name escapes me at the moment), but the story was cool.  Chris actually watched it with me and didn't complain.  We both like vampires and stuff along those lines.  The action was pretty sweet and it had some funny parts.  I might look into buying the books AND the movies some day.

The Twilight movie made me think of a book I haven't worked on in a while.  Maybe I'll resurrect that and work on it for NaNoWriMo.  It's funny; I wrote the book almost ten years ago but the story is kinda similar to Twilight.  Instead of vampires, it's ghosts.  Then again, there's no such thing as an original story.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Alien baby

Last night an alien baby tried to crawl out of my rib cage...or at least that's what it felt like.  My ribs are at it again.  Moving and shifting or whatever the hell fibrous dysplasia makes them do.  I was tossing and turning.  If it wasn't my ribs, it was either side of my neck.  It ached, like I was out in the cold.

Ugh.  My ribs are still hurting as I type this.  Every time I breathe or stand up.  I had to sleep on my back last night.  Ew, do you know how much that sucks?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wonderful dream, disappointing reality

I had a dream last night that Chris and I took a cruise ship to Japan (that's impossible, right?).  The toilets were so cute on the ship.  They had cartoon ducks on them and lit up different colors.  There was this "ghetto" section of the boat and I was tired so I sat down there and some guy accosted me.  He grabbed me by my industrial piercing and one of the holes ripped (ok, so that wasn't so wonderful).  Chris beat him up, I think.  When we got to Japan, we went shopping, even though we didn't have any money.  (Even in my dreams I'm poor!)  There was Hello Kitty stuff everywhere!  And get this: I found a Hello Kitty/OPI nailpolish.  It was red and sparkly AND was in a bottle shaped like a strawberry.  It came with the polish and a Hello Kitty figure.  In my dream, I said to Chris, "Chris, I'm just warning you, I might have to buy that."  There were other stores; I don't remember too much about them.  I know one place had hair brushes that looked like toilet brushes and you could record your voice on them.  (Why?  I don't know.)

So then after I woke up, I had to go talk to the hand doctor about my MRI.  He said it was normal.  =|  That he could do coritzone shots, but he wouldn't know what for.  =|  That I should just ignore it and deal with it.  =|  That I should stay away from doctors.  =|  Really?  Really?!

Next step is the rheumatologist...once I get some money.  Speaking of money, I'm considering bankruptcy to get a break from the bill collector calls.  Plus the fact that Chris can't work (oh yeah!  We found out yesterday that he has a congenital defect in his back and that's why it hurts so much).  I know that it messes up your credit score, but mine is already f'ed in the A from not paying on my credit cards.  We shall see.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh, the pain...

So I had my MRI on Thursday.  Now, I've had an MRI before.  Granted, it was of my brain so all I had to do was lay there on my back with ear plugs in.  An MRI of the wrist is a little different.  They put a little sticker thing on my "bump", wrapped a washcloth around my hand/wrist, then put some big plastic things around it and strapped those together.  I had to lay on my stomach (with my gown flapping in the breeze behind me) and hold my arm out.  If you've never had an MRI, it takes flippin' forever so ten minutes into it my shoulder was burning.  I had my other hand on my upper arm and when I moved my fingers, I noticed I had lost feeling in my arm.  Terrific!  If only I had lost feeling in my shoulder.  I must've been squirming or something 'cause the dude doing the test came through my headphones and said, "You doing ok?"  I adjusted myself a bit and said (into the empty room, I'm assuming there was a mic somewhere and he could hear me), "My shoulder really hurts."  He assured me there was only TEN MORE MINUTES left and reminded me to hold still.

Finally, it was over and he came back in the room and took all the crap off my wrist.  I...could...not...move.  My arms felt like Jell-O.  He's all handing me my glasses, throwing my shoes at me.  I just sat there like a 'tard and tried to lift my shoes off the floor.  I thought they would do contrast because the lady pre-registering me on the phone asked about my veins, but the guy said only if they needed to do an arthrogram and that might come later.  I don't think he believed that it was a ganglion cyst.  He kinda looked at me weird when I told him that's why I was there.

Anyway, I have been in pain every morning for the past month and it's getting old.  Chris fell at work and hurt his back, so the both of us hobbling around the house is a hilarious site, I'm sure.  Today the back of my neck is aching.  I've noticed that now not only my right hand but also the knuckle of my pointer finger hurts and my wrist and thumb have started creaking and cracking.  I'm dreading doing laundry tomorrow, but someone has to.  Chris has no clean clothes left and he can't be lifting the clothes basket.  We're a bunch of winners, I tell ya.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ganglion cyst?

Well, the doctor doesn't think I have tendonitis; he thinks it might be a ganglion cyst.  They're going to schedule an MRI sometime this week.

Depending on what that shows, I might still make an appointment with a rheumatologist.

Omg, I am so tired right now.  All this weekend I've been achy and tired.  Blah.  I almost want to call my mom and have her bring me some Mountain Dew (I'm out of change), but then I'd never get to sleep.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Health Trek

And so my health trek begins...

I have an appointment on Monday with a hand/wrist guy about my tendonitis.  But now my shoulder is bothering me again, and I was debating whether I should just cancel that appointment and go to a rheumatologist.  Maybe the hand/wrist guy will recommend I go to one.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sad realization

I had the sad realization at work today when everyone was showing pictures of their kids or talking about their kids: I am the weird cat lady.  I don't have the "old" part yet of the weird, OLD cat lady, but I have the "cat" and the "weird" down.

My work desktop background is a picture of my kitty:

I'm the only one in my department that has tattoos, one being on my wrist that's clearly visible to everyone.  I don't bake, I don't sew, I don't cook massive dinners.  I can't share recipes or talk about gardening.  I play computer games and watching Tosh.0.  I read and watch TV shows about murders.  I stick out like a sore thumb.

Unless Kristin's there.  I like her.  She needs to work more; no more of this PRN stuff!

Monday, October 10, 2011

I must be getting old...

Or it's my pillows.  Or mattress.  Or both.

I wake up in pain every day.  My neck, shoulders, and wrists/hands.  My tendonitis has really been bothering me; there's a nice pillow of swelling over my hand.  I can feel it jiggle when I move.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do.  I can't NOT use my hand.  It's my right hand!  But I'm losing more and more movement in it.  I tried to draw digitally tonight and I just can't do it anymore.  I used to sit and work on web page layouts for hours at a time, using the mouse to select intricate things, pixel by pixel.  Not only can I not physically do it with my hand, it's really hard for me to see, too.

Holy crap, I'm not even 28 and a I having my mid-mid-life crisis?

Catching up on some reading!

I've read two books this weekend and I'm working on my third.  All by Tess Gerritsen, who I'm becoming to love.  But now comes the weird part: does anyone else, after a weekend of reading, suddenly start having an inner monologue/narration?  i.e.

I pull my Kia up the wrong side of the road (oh, my dad would kill me if he was in the car right now) as close as I can get to the weird neighbor's crotch rocket parked at an angle against the curb.  Why does she even still have that stupid thing out?  It's October.  I haven't seen her ride it since July!  Oh well.  Mr. Previously-a-cop-car-driving-Neighbor likes to park right at the edge of the alley so it makes parking (for me, anyway) on the other side of the alley a little harder.  Well, if you ask Chris, it's a driveway, even though it has a slope of almost 90 I guess it doesn't make it a very good alley either.

Mom and Dad's van is gone.  That's weird.  It's a little after 8 on a Sunday.  When Dad goes to school, he usually takes the Subaru.  Maybe they went to visit Great Aunt Verna in the nursing home. Probably.  I look up at our small, rented house.  Chris doesn't have the porch light or inside light on.  Only the $5 lighted skull decoration we bought at Walmart greets me.  Our neighbor has lights, wind chimes, and a huge blow-up black cat that turns in head back and forth.  What do we have to celebrate Halloween?  A lighted skull.  I don't care, I'm still proud of it. 

I can see the glow from the TV through the shut screen door.  Chris has the front door open for fresh air.  I head up the steps, hiking my jeans up as I go; remembering the horrid days we moved in last March.  I'm sure the whole neighborhood got to see my various underwear choices that week.  I could not keep my pants up going up and down those steps. Cold pizza, dirty paper plates, and red plastic cups greet me as I walk through the door.  Chris is in his usual spot: the recliner.  He's holding Baby and she greets me with squinty eyes.

Anyone else go through this?  All day, I've been narrating and talking to myself.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fun at work...yeah...

For the second time since I've been working here, I've spilled the soup I brought in for lunch.  The first time, the cup tipped over in the microwave and I spent fifteen minutes cleaning the mini stars out of all the cracks and crevices.  Today, however, I sent my soup container flying across my desk, onto some papers, and into my lap.  Thankfully, I was able to call Chris and my parents and arrange to have an outfit brought over.

I feel much better now in clean clothes.  I am listening to my Daniel Tosh station on Pandora now.  They're playing some clips from Aziz Ansari; he is freakin' funny.

My last rejection email is weighing on my mind.  I need to write some more.  I need some inspiration or something.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

"Great" clips?

I went to Great Clips today to get some bangs cut.  I should've just cut them myself.  Instead of getting the lady who signed me in (who had nice bangs that I liked), I got some lady with Parkinson's.  I told her I wanted bangs and then to kinda blend them in.  She blended my long bangs, her hands shaking extremely visibly, and was ready to let me walk out the door.  So I said, "No, I want the short bangs, too," and so she cut like three hairs that laid retardedly on my huge forehead.  Thanks.  I didn't want to argue, so I left and drove over to Walmart, got new shampoo, a new hair dryer, and some Salon Paas pain relief patches for my hand.  While listening to Criminal Minds in the background, I cut my own freakin bangs.

I drank mostly Mountain Dew today, so I'm not sure when I'll fall asleep tonight.  Work early tomorrow and then all weekend, hooray.

Rejection letter #3

This time the publisher wasn't accepting new material...or so they say.  I've been trying to work on new book ideas, but working all this overtime has me drained.  It also doesn't help my tendonitis; I come home in pain every night.  Typing and writing and the way my desk is set up...not good.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Holy overtime, Batman!

I've been working a LOT of overtime.  I'm working 10-9 tonight because someone called off.  I worked 10 hours yesterday and Friday.  Also, my raise kicks in this month.  Hooray!  Mary might have some money!...

To go directly to bills.  =|