Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh, the pain...

So I had my MRI on Thursday.  Now, I've had an MRI before.  Granted, it was of my brain so all I had to do was lay there on my back with ear plugs in.  An MRI of the wrist is a little different.  They put a little sticker thing on my "bump", wrapped a washcloth around my hand/wrist, then put some big plastic things around it and strapped those together.  I had to lay on my stomach (with my gown flapping in the breeze behind me) and hold my arm out.  If you've never had an MRI, it takes flippin' forever so ten minutes into it my shoulder was burning.  I had my other hand on my upper arm and when I moved my fingers, I noticed I had lost feeling in my arm.  Terrific!  If only I had lost feeling in my shoulder.  I must've been squirming or something 'cause the dude doing the test came through my headphones and said, "You doing ok?"  I adjusted myself a bit and said (into the empty room, I'm assuming there was a mic somewhere and he could hear me), "My shoulder really hurts."  He assured me there was only TEN MORE MINUTES left and reminded me to hold still.

Finally, it was over and he came back in the room and took all the crap off my wrist.  I...could...not...move.  My arms felt like Jell-O.  He's all handing me my glasses, throwing my shoes at me.  I just sat there like a 'tard and tried to lift my shoes off the floor.  I thought they would do contrast because the lady pre-registering me on the phone asked about my veins, but the guy said only if they needed to do an arthrogram and that might come later.  I don't think he believed that it was a ganglion cyst.  He kinda looked at me weird when I told him that's why I was there.

Anyway, I have been in pain every morning for the past month and it's getting old.  Chris fell at work and hurt his back, so the both of us hobbling around the house is a hilarious site, I'm sure.  Today the back of my neck is aching.  I've noticed that now not only my right hand but also the knuckle of my pointer finger hurts and my wrist and thumb have started creaking and cracking.  I'm dreading doing laundry tomorrow, but someone has to.  Chris has no clean clothes left and he can't be lifting the clothes basket.  We're a bunch of winners, I tell ya.

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