Monday, October 10, 2011

Catching up on some reading!

I've read two books this weekend and I'm working on my third.  All by Tess Gerritsen, who I'm becoming to love.  But now comes the weird part: does anyone else, after a weekend of reading, suddenly start having an inner monologue/narration?  i.e.

I pull my Kia up the wrong side of the road (oh, my dad would kill me if he was in the car right now) as close as I can get to the weird neighbor's crotch rocket parked at an angle against the curb.  Why does she even still have that stupid thing out?  It's October.  I haven't seen her ride it since July!  Oh well.  Mr. Previously-a-cop-car-driving-Neighbor likes to park right at the edge of the alley so it makes parking (for me, anyway) on the other side of the alley a little harder.  Well, if you ask Chris, it's a driveway, even though it has a slope of almost 90 I guess it doesn't make it a very good alley either.

Mom and Dad's van is gone.  That's weird.  It's a little after 8 on a Sunday.  When Dad goes to school, he usually takes the Subaru.  Maybe they went to visit Great Aunt Verna in the nursing home. Probably.  I look up at our small, rented house.  Chris doesn't have the porch light or inside light on.  Only the $5 lighted skull decoration we bought at Walmart greets me.  Our neighbor has lights, wind chimes, and a huge blow-up black cat that turns in head back and forth.  What do we have to celebrate Halloween?  A lighted skull.  I don't care, I'm still proud of it. 

I can see the glow from the TV through the shut screen door.  Chris has the front door open for fresh air.  I head up the steps, hiking my jeans up as I go; remembering the horrid days we moved in last March.  I'm sure the whole neighborhood got to see my various underwear choices that week.  I could not keep my pants up going up and down those steps. Cold pizza, dirty paper plates, and red plastic cups greet me as I walk through the door.  Chris is in his usual spot: the recliner.  He's holding Baby and she greets me with squinty eyes.

Anyone else go through this?  All day, I've been narrating and talking to myself.

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