Sunday, October 30, 2011

Movie catch-up

Watched three movies this weekend that most of the general population have already seen.

Green Lantern- Rented.  It was alright.  Not quite X-Men, but I like Ryan Reynolds.  I don't understand how the main fight took place in space, though.  I mean, I know the Green Lanterns have powers, but the power to not have to breathe?  That was off-putting.

Bridesmaids- Rented.  Wow, this movie was dumb.  I only laughed once or twice, mainly at the pooping/vomiting part.  The whole movie was trying way to hard to be funny, or at least that's what it felt like to me.  It had so much potential and I was really disappointed.  And for having all those SNL ladies acting (and most likely writing) it, I was semi-surprised at the lack of humor.  Not too surprised, though, because, let's face it: SNL isn't that funny anymore.

Twilight- DVR.  FX premiered Twilight the other day and I set the DVR to record it.  Something to do on a rainy day and I've been meaning to buy the books (when I get some money).  I liked it.  Again, I like the Patterson guy who plays Edward (his name escapes me at the moment), but the story was cool.  Chris actually watched it with me and didn't complain.  We both like vampires and stuff along those lines.  The action was pretty sweet and it had some funny parts.  I might look into buying the books AND the movies some day.

The Twilight movie made me think of a book I haven't worked on in a while.  Maybe I'll resurrect that and work on it for NaNoWriMo.  It's funny; I wrote the book almost ten years ago but the story is kinda similar to Twilight.  Instead of vampires, it's ghosts.  Then again, there's no such thing as an original story.

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