Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dreams and aspirations on my way home from work

I was driving home after picking up some Micky D's for Christopher (who sprained his ankle, see below) and I had a revelation.  I have no idea why, but I thought about being a teacher and how, at first, the students wouldn't believe anything I say (like I never believed my teachers).  But years later, when they're my age, they would understand and say, "Hey, Mrs. Knight was right!" and that felt good.

But I would have a Billy Madison moment if I was a teacher.  Instead of the fat, young kid, though, I'd grab the skinny girls who think they're fat (or the kids that say they can't wait to move out on their own) and cry, "Don't you say that. Don't you ever say that. Stay here. Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it. You have to cherish it!"

Anyway, Chris fell down our stairs yesterday.  I had to leave work to take him to the ER (yes, I pretty much just dropped him off at the ER doors and raced back to work...I only get half an hour for lunch!)  His foot/ankle is pretty swollen.  They said it was sprained.  I had to leave work again to go pick him up since he didn't have house keys.  They gave him crutches.  I tied an old purse to one of his crutches so that he can carry stuff around with him.  Thank God this happened while he's laid off.  Hopefully it's better before he gets called back to work.

It's really slow at work tonight.  I walked out to the quiet fax machines and instinctively said, "Wow, did the rapture happen?  Was I left behind?"  There's a story behind that.  In elementary school, it was seemingly required that in Bible class you watched the series of movies starting with A Thief in the Night.
Yeah, high quality stuff.  Circa the 1970's, the movies are all about the Rapture happening because of computers.  The Mark of the Beast is a binary 666 tattoo.  Anyway, I distinctly remember a friend and myself  being terrified after that of the Rapture happening.  One of us would come to school and tell the other one how she walked downstairs and no one was home; there's usually a pile of clothes sitting somewhere.  Instant fear: the Rapture left you behind.
PS.  They executed the people who became Christians via guillotine.  I wonder if the teachers at that school know how much those movies scarred me and pretty much shaped my childhood...and fear of guillotines.

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