Saturday, September 10, 2011

Trail of electronics

I just realized that every night I end my day with a trail of electronics.  I get home and get on the computer.  After the computer, I watch a little TV.  Then, we move upstairs where we turn on the little TV and I get on my laptop.  Maybe it's because I'm delirious with tiredness, but it's amusing.

Ugh, I have a stomach ache again.  I think I drank too much pop today.  Today was a good day, though.  I kept busy and it's FRIDAY!

It has been raining nonstop here.  They closed down some roads because the flooding.  My parents actually said the road in front of where I work was flooded.  I wonder how long that's going to last.  I keep expecting to walk into my basement and see a foot of water.  That'd be scary.  The little box is down there.  The poor kitties would be pooping all over the house.

Wow, I'm tired.


  1. lol, yes the kitty would probably be "Sh**" out of luck(haha I am hilarious) but I am sure you basement is fine, i think every one now a days has a trail of electronics lol didn't you forget the cell phone?

  2. I did forget the cell phone! I usually try to forget it, seeing as the only calls I get nowadays is from bill collectors.
