Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One step forward, two steps back

Well, I missed the "official" Employee Health weigh in.  I need to stop at the corporate offices to get weighed some time.  Getting a little discouraged that the scale isn't moving.  Still can't squeeze into my AE jeans that I miss wearing.  =(  Here's a comparison photo, though:
I guess there's a little change...and not just my hair color and style or makeup...though that is part of it; and Chris pointed out the pic was taken at two different angles.  Whatever.  I think I need to get back to my yoga for weight loss DVD.  I can't decide if I'm eating too many calories or not enough.

I was talking about my finger/hand rash (btw, did I mention the doctor told me what it was?  Dishydrotic eczema...and I got a ginormous tube of steroid cream for it:
Crazy, right?  If the derm wouldn't have given me a card for it to be free, it would've been $600...or so said the pharmacist).  Anyway, what was I saying?  Oh yeah, I was talking about it at work and saying how I don't think the steroid cream/Vaseline/white gloves routine is working.  My boss said she has it too and that hand sanitizer helps hers and hers is an autoimmune thing.  A nurse I work with was in on the convo and said, "I think Mary has an autoimmune disorder undiagnosed."  So I did some Googling for autoimmune and amenorrhea.  I found some scary things, people.  Scary things.  I did, however, make an appointment to talk to the "head" gyno at my new office about my getting pregnant.  That's on the 18th.  *fingers crossed for answers!*

I cannot get into the new book I'm working on.  Like The Midst (that I redid for NaNoWriMo), it's a story I had written before (and actually finished it!) but now realize sucked, so I want to rework it.  I just can't get into the groove for some reason.

I was glad when the calls from debt collectors stopped, but now I'm getting letters from lawyers.  I wish I could tell all these people that I owe money to, "Look, I do want to pay you back.  I HATE having this hang over my head, but credit card bills are not on my priority goes car payment, groceries, water, electricity, gas, internet, Dish, and other crap.  Cat food goes in there somewhere.  UGH.  And I think my student loan payments are due again.  Someone remind me to call them.  =\

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