Monday, January 23, 2012


If any female readers have boyfriends/husbands who play Call of Duty, Halo, or some other type of shooting game, I know how you feel.  I was so ready to pull the plug on Chris' Xbox earlier today.  I was doing our freakin' taxes (something the man who loves math should be doing, no?) and--heaven forbid--had to walk in front of the TV to get my purse.  He died, of course, at that very second and yelled at me.  Waa, waa.  Further along in the game, he starts yelling.  Not the normal COD yelling; like, screaming, tearing his voice.  I looked over and said, "Chris," like a warning: you're going a little overboard.  He looked over at me and said, "Shut up! I'm still mad at you!"

Wrong thing to say.  He had no idea that he made me mad; he kept talking to me about his dumb game the whole time.  At one point, he said, "Mary....Mary...........Mary........Mary, honest to God, answer me!"  I said, "What?!  You told me to shut up!"  He played it off of course and yelled again about how I walked in front of him with no warning and WAA WAA, I NEED MY DIAPIE CHANGED.

Long story short....-ish, he can do his own laundry from now on.

It is funny to hear him yell, "DUDE, I just knifed CheeZbacon in the ass and he didn't die!"

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