Monday, February 25, 2013


Well, Chris is off first shift and on third now, so I'm still in a funk. Though, hours of watching Supernatural at night have helped. Oh, those guys are so hot! Anyway, some quick updates. Chris hadn't paid his local taxes since 2004 and had gotten a letter in the mail about paying it back. He did. Then, he got another letter saying he needed to file returns for 2005-2011 in 10 days or they would file charges. After searching through the mess that is my file cabinet, I managed to find all his W2s for those years and he got his taxes done. He ended up owing them $57. Yeah...they were going to send him to jail for less than $60.

My mom turns 60 tomorrow, which means this year I'll be turning 30 in May. Every so often I feel like I'm having a mid-life crisis. It's hard to tell, though, if it's that or the clomid I'm taking. Speaking of which, no update there. Still on met and clomid. I think I have two months left before the doc gives up on me. I tried explaining to Chris why I'm so gung-ho about this. He thinks that we should wait til we have money (which will be never) and didn't know why I was always so upset when people talk about kids and whatnot. I tried to explain to him that the "specialist" the doc wants to refer me to will most likely recommend IVF or something and that's generally not covered by insurance. And then he said we could adopt. I explained to him how that also costs money. Anyway, I'm sick of thinking and talking about it.

I got the pink done in my hair again, but it's fading out already. I'm considering getting my hair cut short, but I'm not sure how Chris will feel about it. Last time I got bangs and highlights he said I looked like a lesbian. Yup, that's my husband.

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