Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Touch of a cold

I have a touch of a cold...just a touch.  Stuffy/runny nose and my throat was a tad sore.  It's one of those things where it's hard to tell if it's a cold or really bad allergies.  For me, there's not too much of a difference.  I have been taking my generic Zyrtec, but I need to get to a pharmacy and pick up sudafed...the REAL stuff...that you have to swipe your I.D. to get.  That's the only thing that opens my nose besides a Breath Rite, but I used my last one of those last night.

This is my week to take Damian to school again, so I'm dead tired.  I had trouble getting him to go into the classroom today.  After calling my mom a few times and Damian talking to her on my phone, we eventually got out of him that he was scared of the student who was greeting the kids at the door (his preschool is part of a high school child care class).  I walked over to her, phone in hand, and asked her nicely to leave and let me give Damian the attendance stamp and just then these two official looking guys stopped me.  One said (in a way too serious tone), "Why were you on your cell phone?"  I was stupified.  I was pointing to Damian and stammering; the student was trying to explain what was going on.  Finally, the other guy with him was like, "Oh, are you a parent?"  I laughed.  They thought I was a student!  I said, "Well, I'm not a parent, but I'm dropping my nephew off."  They appologized, told me to take it as a compliment, and moved on.

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