Friday, May 1, 2015

Mrs. Dean Winchester

Last night, I had a dream that I was married to Dean Winchester.  Not the actor who plays him (Jensen Ackles) but the character himself.  I went to a Christmas party with friends and was mad at Dean for something so I decided I was going to cheat on him.  I went to a website on my phone where you could "buy" an Italian guy who was in prison.  I ordered one and waited for him to be delivered.  I told one of the other girls at the party that I would only keep him if he were cute.  Turned out he was cute (tall, dark curly hair) and really young.  I can't remember his name, but he only spoke a little English.  He came with a note stating what was wrong with him (he had something wrong with his brain that messed up his balance or something) and, unbeknownst to me, developed a crush on another girl at the party.  Somehow, Dean found out about all this and said he was swinging by.  I panicked and told everyone to say that the Italian guy was the new dishwasher I hired.  Dean came and was making his rounds at the party and guilt overwhelmed me.  I ran up to him while he was talking, put my hands on his waist, and said, "Dean, can I talk to you for a moment?"  He said yeah and we walked away from the party.  I started crying and hugging him, the realization that I was married to freakin' Dean Winchester finally sinking in, and apologized for my stupid moment.

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